The Maison Poincaré : start the visit ! (2/3)

With the Maison Poincaré, meet the men and women who make research in mathematics. They will be honored in the INVENT and BECOME spaces.

In the INVENT space, film portraits of today's scientists will be presented, with their "sensations of inventing" as a common thread. This space will also include four portraits of personalities who have marked the 20th century: Alan Turing, Emmy Noether, Maryam Mirzakhani and Srinivasa Ramanujan. In addition, the personalities of Carl Friedrich Gauss, Henri Poincaré, Sophie Germain, Maryna Viazovska and Pierre de Fermat, among others, will be evoked through issues related to invention.


The INVENT space (Perrin amphitheater) before the renovations and work. Credit: ©Camille Cier


The INVENT space (Perrin amphitheater) after the renovations and work.

*These representations (©du&ma) are not contractual, they are intended to illustrate this article.


In the BECOME space, a dozen photographic portraits accompanied by short biographies will be presented, with the ambition of showing the diversity of career paths and encouraging the younger generation to take up studies with a strong mathematical component.

It should be noted that particular attention is paid to the balance between men and women. As many women as men will be highlighted in the Maison Poincaré.


Jean Perrin's office: the BECOME space before the renovations. Credit: ©Camille Cier

For the record, these two spaces have a strong link with Jean Perrin. The BECOME space is located in his former office as director of the physical chemistry laboratory, and the INVENT space is located in the amphitheater that bears his name and whose back wall is decorated with a fresco surrounded by the first words of his book Les Atomes. Their heritage values will be preserved as part of the development of the Maison Poincaré, as well as that of the tea room.


In another article, we will take you to the SHARE and BREATHE spaces to talk about transmission and sharing, values that animate the research community. Stay tuned!

Throughout 2021, we will keep you updated on the progress of the design and layout of the spaces.
To make this project a success, we need your support! Our goal is to raise over 100 000 euros! This will not happen without you!


  • Already a donor? Dedicate your gift to the Maison Poincaré to a loved one!