

2 Exhibitions for the celebration of the centenary of the death of Gaston Darboux

La profondeur des surfaces 

In order to pay tribute to the great geometer Gaston Darboux, IHP wished to dedicate two exhibitions to him. The first is historical: "La profondeur des surfaces" was presented at the IHP library from October 24 to December 21, 2018.  The exhibition is still available for rent : to find out more.



Sous la surface, les maths 

The second exhibition, interactive, entitled "Sous la surface, les maths" highlights bridges between geometry and graphic arts since the last century. Visitors had the opportunity to discover it at the Musée des arts et métiers in Paris from October 2, 2018 to July 7, 2019. The exhibition was scheduled to be presented at the Maison des mathématiques et de l'informatique in Lyon  from September 20, 2019 till July 7, 2020. Due to the COVID 2019 crisis, the dates have been postponed by one year. 
Opposite, an overview of the exhibition at the Musée des arts et métiers. 



Documentary dedicated to the surrealist artist Man Ray

The Institut Henri Poincaré has produced a documentary on the amazing encounter between Man Ray and the world of mathematics. The 70-minute film traces the encounter of Man Ray, and through him Shakespeare, with the mathematical models in IHP collection. The director chose to associate specialists of Man Ray and Shakespeare, mathematicians and artists, thus proposing several doors of entry and art forms (dance, theater, literature, photography, painting, sculpture). The result is mysterious "Shakespearean equations", behind which a wide audience will be able to discover some facets of classical and modern mathematics.

The Endowment Fund conducted a participatory funding ("crowdfunding") campaign from November 14 to December 31, 2018 and raised €16,000.

For more information




HOLO-MATH* is a set of scientific mediation experiences in mixed reality using Hololens headsets. 
Holo-Math allows the integration of 3D virtual elements in the real environment and to live immersive learning experiences while remaining connected to the outside world. Each experience brings together about fifteen people around a scientific mediator. Thanks to these new forms of visualization and interaction, participants can observe scientific phenomena and "manipulate" mathematical concepts while learning about the history of science and current research.

A very first episode on Brownian movement resulted in a prototype in 2017. 
A first experimentation of Holo-Math was organized at the Palais de la découverte in October 2017 and several tests were carried out during events such as the Semaine des mathématiques at the Pantheon. These tests have led to technical and pedagogical evaluations, which allow the finalization of episode 1 in 2022. A second episode on artificial intelligence will be developed following the opening of the new Maison Poincaré in 2023.  

* The HOLOMATH project brings together a European consortium of companies and research centers. To find out more about the project:


Exhibition Comme par Hasard at the MMI of Lyon

In collaboration with the Maison des mathématiques et de l'informatique de Lyon, the exhibition "Comme par hasard" offers stands answering all sorts of questions about chance.
The visitor embarks on the discovery of a path lined with games, applications, challenges, manipulations... 
An exhibition where mathematics and computer science are mixed, of course, but also economics, psychology, physics, philosophy, biology, arts,...

After Lyon, the exhibition will move to the Espace Fermat near Toulouse, before being included in the Maison Poincaré when it opens in 2023. 





Enquête chez Poincaré (Investigation at Poincaré) (October 2017)



Enquête chez Poincaré is an interactive trail available on the application Piste et Trésor. This treasure hunt, mixing mathematics and heritage, allows you to discover the 5th arrondissement of Paris in the manner of Sherlock Holmes.

Esthetopies (March to July 2017)

Esthétopies, Variétés d'espaces sensibles, an exhibition by Pierre Berger, was presented at IHP library from March 8 to July 8, 2017. Through an immersive journey and a set of sound and visual installations, Esthétopies offered visitors a novel experience around contemporary mathematical research.



The Maison des mathématiques, Chapter 1 (2017) & 2 (2020)

Facade SUD copie.jpg

The films The Maison des mathématiques, Chapter 1The Maison des mathématiques, Chapter 2 present the history of the building where scientists like Jean Perrin worked and which, thanks to the architectural project of the Atelier Novembre, will undergo a real metamorphosis to house the Maison Poincaré. These films were produced by IHP audiovisual department.

Celebration of Claude Shannon (December 2016 to March 2017)

One hundred years after the birth of Claude Shannon (1916-2001), the exhibition "Le magicien des codes" paid tribute to the discoveries of the pioneer of telecommunications and cryptography. Through games and interactive presentations, the exhibition allowed the general public to discover how information is processed, how it can be coded and decoded. Hosted at the Musée des arts et métiers, which made historical objects from its collections available, the exhibition ran from December 13, 2016 to March 12, 2017.

The celebrations also featured lectures on technical and historical subjects related to Shannon's work and information theory.
As for the Shannon Trophy, it allowed to associate to the celebrations pupils, teachers, students, members of an association having realized a project around the theory of information. The prizes crowning the best projects were awarded by Cédric Villani in December 2016.


Symposium "Math: Digital oxygen" (november 2016)

Mathematics, the key to technological innovation, irrigates all sectors of the economy. It is at the heart of revolutions such as artificial intelligence, and is involved in understanding the major problems of our time, such as those related to sustainable development, climate, and health. As for mathematicians, they are solicited in increasingly varied fields and see their careers evolve between the academic world and the private sector. 
How does mathematics push back the boundaries? How are they shaping the world of tomorrow? What fields are to be decrypted, what practices, what new scientific organization? What are the ethical and societal stakes? 

IHP, FSMP, and AMIES hosted a symposium on October 20-21, 2016 to discuss these issues and discover emerging mathematics.