
The Endowment Fund would like to express its warmest thanks to all the donors who have committed themselves through the participative financing campaigns. You will find all our donors below, but also on the pages dedicated to the campaigns.


Donors Take a seat to support an inclusive math museum (2022) : 

  • Allaire Grégoire
  • Aulagnon Claude
  • Barsky Daniel
  • Benzoni Sylvie
  • Carles Rémi
  • Casademont Sylvane
  • De Bievre Stéphane
  • Deshouillers Jean-Marc
  • Douglas Michael
  • Duclaux Thierry
  • Duminil-Copin Hugo
  • Dyatlov Semyon
  • Fermanian-Kammerer Clotilde
  • Friedlander Leonid
  • Gallot Sylvestre
  • Hebey Emmanuel
  • Hilali Isabelle
  • Hitrik Michael
  • Guichard Olivier
  • Iliopoulos Jean
  • Judge Christopher
  • Juhen Pierre
  • Klevtsov Semyon
  • Le Calvez Patrice
  • Leblanc Matthieu
  • Lalande-Dauger Marie
  • Lefeuvre Thibault
  • Macia Fabricio
  • Marti Gautier
  • Mc Cormick Anthony
  • Michel Max
  • Minc Freddy
  • Mzoughi Karim
  • Nier Francis
  • Ouorou Adam
  • Pestel Marie-José
  • Pommery Jean-Luc
  • Robert Didier
  • Sabbah Claude
  • Shiffman Bernard
  • Sogge Chris
  • Souquet Marianne
  • Tosatti Valentino
  • Victorri Bernard
  • Wacheux Marc
  • Weinkove Benjamin
  • Weinstein Alan
  • Wolpert Scott
  • Wunsch Jared
  • Zana Brigitte
  • Zhou Peng



Donors La Maison Poincaré: math in a new light (2019-2022):

  • Allaire Grégoire
  • Almand Julien
  • Amat Jean-Louis
  • Aydin Selin
  • Barsky Daniel
  • Benabou Gaël
  • Benzoni Stéphane
  • Benzoni Sylvie
  • Blin Stacy
  • Boudier Monique
  • Bossis Dorothée
  • Bruter Claude
  • Buffet François
  • Caron Matthieu
  • Chamard Jean Michel
  • Chanudeaud Marie-Christine
  • Criton Michel
  • Cousin Bertrand
  • Davenas Alain
  • Delmas Frédérique
  • Dietrich Gautier
  • Digne François
  • Do Benoit Hien Laëtitia
  • Douaire Jacques (Association Math’Ermel)
  • Duperray Antoine
  • Dupont Francis
  • Farcy Yves
  • Faure Emilie
  • Fermanian Kammerer Clotilde
  • Flabeau Patricia
  • Forien Jacqueline
  • Gannac Virginie
  • Gavage Michel et Nicole
  • Genisson Fabrice
  • Gérard Olivier P.R.
  • Guillopé Colette
  • Hogbe Nlend Henri
  • Hurcet Laurent
  • Illiopoulos Jean
  • Jacob de Cordemoy Jacques 
  • Juchault Des Jamonières Klervi
  • Kachaner Cédric
  • Kervinio Pascal
  • König Sébastien
  • König Carla
  • Lacoste François
  • Lacoste Thierry
  • Larose Valérie
  • Le Calvez Patrice
  • Lefieux Vincent
  • Le Garrec Jean-François
  • Le Garrec Jean-Luc
  • Le Treust Mael
  • Leven Jean François
  • Leven Madeleine
  • Lévy Lambert Hubert
  • Liewig Marion
  • Manière Françoise
  • Mansuy Roger
  • Marti Gautier
  • Michel Max
  • Moreau de Saint Martin Louis
  • Morin Gille
  • Morvan Rémi
  • Morvillers Francoise
  • Mzoughi Karim
  • Nartz Veronique
  • Pajot Philippe
  • Papadopoulo Georges
  • Pauper Agnes
  • Peters Philippe
  • Philipp Nathan
  • Pillet Claude Alain
  • Pommery Jean-Luc
  • Quintard Jean-Gauthier
  • Rodelet Arthur
  • Saillard Clément
  • Schmidmeier Markus
  • Sliwa Tadeusz
  • Signproni Natalia
  • Souquet Marianne
  • Tallet Gilles-Jocelyn
  • Uzbelger George
  • Vaintrub Clamon Marie-Lyne
  • Victorri Bernard
  • Virleux Jean-Claude
  • Wacheux Marc
  • Waldschmidt Michel
  • Zana Arielle 
  • Zana Assinie
  • Zana Brigitte
  • Zana Ellie
  • Zana Emie
  • Zana Isia
  • Zana Maïa 
  • Zana Saren
  • Zana Timeo


Donors De l'autre côté du miroir (2019) :

  • M. Grégoire Allaire
  • M. Claude Aulagnon
  • Mme. Alexandra Cerri
  • M. Jacques Douaire
  • Mme. Patricia Flabeau
  • M. Pierre-Emmanuel Juillard
  • Mme. Madeleine Leven
  • M. Louis Neret
  • M. Boris Tissot
  • M. Bernard Victorri
  • Mme. Anne Marie Weil
  • M. Jean Louis Amat
  • M. Pascal Kervinio
  • M. Mathieu Caron
  • Mlle Klervi Juchaut Des Jamonières
  • M. Francis Dupont
  • M. Mael Le Treust


A Cercle des bienfaiteurs (Circle of Benefactors) is currently being created. Its purpose is to bring together individuals wishing to support the Maison Poincaré project and its missions, both scientific and societal. Through an annual donation of €1,000 to €10,000, these individuals benefit from exclusive advantages and a privileged relationship with the operational and scientific team of IHP and its Endowment Fund.

Contact :

It is a day that will remain in our memories!

Students and teachers who visited the Claude Shannon exhibition

" I wish to give back to mathematics what it has given me.

An entrepreneur

Facing the difficulties of recruiting scientific and technical profiles, my company supports The Maison Poincaré project.

An engineer

" May the students' visit to The Maison Poincaré give them the pleasure of doing math and the desire to continue their scientific studies!

A Regional Educational Inspector

Convinced that mathematics can contribute to equal opportunities, especially for girls, I support The Maison Poincaré.

A philanthropist

" I have a passion for mathematics and want to share it with young people.

A teacher researcher

What a great project! I'm doing what I can to spread the word around!

A donor to the "Math mon modèle" campaign